Forum Kelapa Indonesia ( FKI) asks that coconut can be managed as alternative energy, becomes biodiesel. Remembers this very potential coconut crop is developed in Indonesia. So would more effective and profitable. Remembers for biodiesel from leaf jarak need invesment that is not a few, finite of triliun rupiah. Whereas its the product has just can be applied a few years again. Kepala Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Industri ( BPPI) Department of Industry arises that has been performed a some usage testings of coco diesel as alternative energy, substitution of diesel fuel. To reach efficient price to be able to replace diesel fuel, hence the price of fruit of coconut is specified under Rp 500 per item. In Java with the price of coconut around Rp 700 per item, hence the role of coco diesel replaces diesel fuel thus not effective, becomes Rp 5200 per litre. Because to get one litres coco diesel is required six item coconut.
For the purpose testing as pilot project done by Balai Besar Kimia and Kema n (under BPPI) since two last year, performed in outside Java, each in North Sulawesi namely in Bitung and South Sulawesi, where the price of coconut in this region still enough low. Actually purpose of management of coco this diesel, it is to fulfill middle and small industrial requirement as energy genset stationer or fisherman speed boat fuel, especially region which is difficult is reached by diesel fuel. Where the region many growing coconut crop. But for the price of the coconut must still be taken care of economic.
For the purpose testing as pilot project done by Balai Besar Kimia and Kema n (under BPPI) since two last year, performed in outside Java, each in North Sulawesi namely in Bitung and South Sulawesi, where the price of coconut in this region still enough low. Actually purpose of management of coco this diesel, it is to fulfill middle and small industrial requirement as energy genset stationer or fisherman speed boat fuel, especially region which is difficult is reached by diesel fuel. Where the region many growing coconut crop. But for the price of the coconut must still be taken care of economic.
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